Master's degree in Project Management Area: Industrial Manufacturing


Master programs and postgraduate courses in project management are specialization paths that allow graduates with bachelor's or master's degree to complete their curriculum with high level training certification. During the program are transferred competences regarding the design, development and implementation of a project or product. Boys and girls become students of a master program in project management should they aspire to professional roles related to the world of industry and services, perhaps with the responsibility of managers: human resources management, control costs, work progress are just some of assignments of project managers, men and women usually with a technical background but also organizational and economic knowledge.

Career opportunities
Graduates of the master's degree in project management may find jobs as project managers, experts in product development or innovation experts both at public and private enterprises.

  • Area: Industrial Manufacturing

  • Category: Project Management

// FOUND 1 MASTER [in 1 Locations / Editions]


The Graduate Diploma and Master's Degree in Advanced European Studies (DASE) is an excellent, multilingual, interdisciplinary education on the institutions, law, economics and major policies of the European Union. SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES

Fondazione Collegio Europeo di Parma
  • Full time
  • YES
  • Not declared
  • Parma - Italy

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