Elenco MSc - Master of Science


MSc or Master of Science is a master's degree awarded by universities. It is typically granted for studies in subjects related to sciences, engineering or medicine and is usually addressed to graduates, boys and girls with bachelor's degree interested in programs that maily focus on scientific and mathematical themes.  The master programs usually involve a minimum of one year full-time study which can sometimes be extended to 2 years full-time or the equivalent period part-time. This is postgraduate academic path: students follow lectures, examination and realize a final project. Some universities also offer research MSc programmes, where a longer project or set of projects is undertaken. MSc or Master of Science degree is the primary type in most subjects and can be course-based, research-based, or more typically a combination of the two. Professional opportunities post master can affect both roles in companies, laboratories, research centers and healthcare institutions.

  • Typology: MSc

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