Master's degree in International Business Area: Executive Management


Master programs and postgraduate courses in international business are paths for graduates with bachelor's or master's degree usually in economics or law and young professionals who already work in companies and dealing with internationalization of one or more activities. Boys and girls who choose these specialization programs are interested in acquiring skills of organizational strategies, innovation in emerging markets, institutional and international relations. For this type of training the knowledge of one or more foreign languages ​​is almost a prerequisite, English above all, though often these master programs are focused on opportunities in China, India, Brazil, Russia.

Career opportunities
Graduates in these master's degrees in international business can find employment in all companies - especially large organizations - that want to invest on the internationalization of their business, covering very important and promising managerial roles.

  • Area: Executive Management

  • Category: International Business

// FOUND 1 MASTER [in 1 Locations / Editions]


The Graduate Diploma and Master's Degree in Advanced European Studies (DASE) is an excellent, multilingual, interdisciplinary education on the institutions, law, economics and major policies of the European Union. SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES

Fondazione Collegio Europeo di Parma
  • Full time
  • YES
  • Not declared
  • Parma - Italy

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