Master in Arts de la Scène Area: Arts Créatifs


Master programs and postgraduate courses in performing arts are specialization paths that offer to graduates with bachelor's or master's degree skills needed to work successfully in the world of the visual arts. These pathways of improvement are turning to creative and talented boys and girls, interested in a career in theater, dance, music, film, television or in roles related to the management or operation of theater, drama, television and film productions, event, marketing and communication, photography. Students can also be men and women already established performers who want to complete their profile to become complete artists or managers from other fields who want specific skills related to the entertainment world.

Career opportunities
Professional profiles formed by these master programs in performing arts include very different roles: actor, dancer, singer, photographer, designer, producer, manager, event organizer, expert in marketing and communications, journalist.

  • Area: Arts Créatifs

  • Catégorie: Arts de la Scène

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