Master in Droit Area: Juridique


Master programs and postgraduate courses in law provide specific training to graduates with bachelor's or master's degree in jurisprudence who wish to acquire a specialization in a legal context. Even boys and girls already young professionals may wish to improve their training background and then follow a postgraduate program specifically on issues related to the law, legality, regulatory, civil, criminal and legal area. Men and women who are already working as lawyers, tax lawyers can decide to attend a master program in law to direct their career towards a specific area such as labor law, corporate or banking law.
Career opportunities
Graduates in master degrees in law and jurisprudence can find work as lawyers or experts in taxes and tax authorities. Career opportunities as legal experts in banking, or as freelancers as mediators, business lawyers, advocates tax, jurists.

  • Area: Juridique

  • CatĂ©gorie: Droit

// TROUVE 1 MASTER [in 1 Lieux / Editions]


The Graduate Diploma and Master's Degree in Advanced European Studies (DASE) is an excellent, multilingual, interdisciplinary education on the institutions, law, economics and major policies of the European Union. SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES

Fondazione Collegio Europeo di Parma
  • A' temps plein
  • OUI
  • Non rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©
  • Parma - Italie

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