Master area Organisation De L'entreprise


Master programs and postgraduate courses in company organization are addressed to graduates, with bachelor's or master's degree and young professionals interested in working in the field of human resources, management, strategy, business administration. They are specialization programs for boys and girls coming usually from a degree in economics or engineering who aspire to become men and women of success within companies, organizations and institutions dealing with the management, from budget to administration, from organization of work activities to quality. These master's degrees in company organization also affect future managers of government or large international companies because they offer a technical and organizational skills that will help graduates in planning the various operations and the broader development strategy of the business and allow them to hold positions of responsibility in the company.

  • Area: Organisation De L'entreprise

// TROUVE 1 MASTER [in 1 Lieux / Editions]


The Graduate Diploma and Master's Degree in Advanced European Studies (DASE) is an excellent, multilingual, interdisciplinary education on the institutions, law, economics and major policies of the European Union. SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES

Fondazione Collegio Europeo di Parma
  • A' temps plein
  • OUI
  • Non rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©
  • Parma - Italie

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