Mejores Master EcologĂ­a Recursos Ambientales


Master programs and postgraduate courses in ecology prepare graduates with bachelor's or master's degree and young professionals in careers related to the environment and issues related. The ecology takes care of issues that are very different from each other: nature, flora, fauna but also populations, communities, ecosystems, landscape. Boys and girls choose to become students of these graduate programs for acquiring targeted skills related to the protection of territories and biodiversity rather than the exploitation and optimum use of available natural resources, including in terms of possible economies and environmentally friendly business.

Career opportunities
Graduates of a master's degree in ecology may find employment in companies, as managers of safety and environment or as consultants of law and environmental sustainability, renewable energy sources and alternatives rather than as designers of sustainable architecture.

  • Area: Recursos Ambientales

  • CategorĂ­a: EcologĂ­a

// ENCONTRADO 1 MASTER [in 1 Ubicaciones / Ediciones]


The International Master in Environmental Sustainability and Circular Economy is a 12-month programme that aims to provide students with the necessary skills for a managerial career in the field of sustainability, with a special focus on topics related to Energy Management and Circular Economy.

POLIMI Graduate School of Management
  • Tiempo completo
  • 12
  • 20000 €
  • Milan - Italia

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