Top- Master Handel Business Management


Master programs and postgraduate courses in commerce  are meant primarily for three-year graduates or graduates in economics who want to further specialist mainly linked to the internationalization of enterprises. Even boys and girls with technical training or engineering can choose these paths of improvement if interested to give his career a cut more commercial or international. Students of higher education courses in commerce in fact acquire skills related to the sale of goods and services, imports and exports, the transfer of commodities or consumer goods from produtture to the consumer. These are programs for men and women prospective agents or brokers.
Career opportunities
Among the professional profiles formed by the master on the market there are the import-export manager, the 'account, the sales manager, the head area or the expert management of international trade. Often also the project manager, called to develop new business, is a career opportunity in the field.

  • Area: Business Management

  • Kategorie: Handel

// GEFUNDEN 1 MASTER [in 1 Standorte / Editions]


The Graduate Diploma and Master's Degree in Advanced European Studies (DASE) is an excellent, multilingual, interdisciplinary education on the institutions, law, economics and major policies of the European Union. SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES

Fondazione Collegio Europeo di Parma
  • Vollzeit
  • JA
  • Nicht bekannt gegeben
  • Parma - Italien

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